Saturday, June 04, 2005

I had an interview Friday. It went well. I start Monday. I'll be interning--working for free--at a literary production/management company. I am not sure what they do. It seemed inappropriate to ask after I had just spent ten minutes going on and on about how much I wanted to work for them and what a good fit it seemed. Whatever, it is something to do with writing, which I can do, and movies, which I like. So I'm sure all things will work out.

Best part of job is that it is in Santa Monica, two blocks from beach and surrounded by lovely stores. Worst part of job is that it is in Santa Monica, two blocks from beach and surrounded by lovely stores. As I flew out here, and also totalled my car last November, I am without transport, so this might be tricky. As for the stores, really, I'm poor, and it's sad. Anyway so weekend has been spent trying to figure out how will get to "work."

1. borrow car of roomie
2. taxi
3. public transport
4. rental car
5. purchase car

I'm going for number five as seems easiest and most stress free. Additionally, options 3 - 4 would require money and in the end I'd have nothing but an empty bank account, but at least with option 5 I'll have a car and an empty bank account. Am not sure where this money will come yet, but I guess if you aren't going to be in debt when you're young, when will you, eh?

So yes. A car in LA is a crucial thing. Well, that isn't true because there are thousands of people in this city who don't have them, but what I am sayin is, this is no New York. Apparantly there is a metro but it is only useful for going downtown, which is a pocket of skyscrapers in the distance that, no matter, where we go, we never seem to approach. I assume it's unimportant. There are buses, but as far as I can tell, people only use them if they have to.

Blahblahblah I'm done with this boring post. I'm usually witty and fantastic. I don't know what has happened. LA has eaten my soul.