After an extended stay home, I am back in LA and ready to get myself into gear. I got back to the city late last night after plane troubles. I thought I was coming back on Wednesday, but I had actually bought my ticket to come back on Tuesday, so when I realized this on Wednesday, I booked a ticket to come home one Thursday. Two things might be inferred from this. One: I am ditzy. I don't like this one. Or, two, I was meant to stay home with fam, friends, and puppy for more days, and thus all things worked out. I like to go with the latter.
Everyone is at work now. I'm sitting in the apartment. It's hot but I'm in front of the window, so there's a breeze. The place is a wreck, but I am not going to clean it because it is not my wreck and I don't want to condition these boys into thinking that someone will always clean up after them--especially a woman.
I have little else going on in my life right now. Style report and coverage for internship all due today--need to get on it. Have training monday at store. Am one step closer to being gainfully employed, which is excellent, because while I was home, I finally "got" the direness of the money situation. Better late than never. I'm not worried though--will just have to give up new pretty things for awhile. Also, Starbucks is off off off limits. No more. No fraps, no cheese plates, no chocolate chunk scones, no passion teas. The end. I think it will cut my expenses in half. At least.
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