Monday, July 25, 2005

As lease with the boys ends 1 Sept, have been perusing Craig's List for new housing options. Today there was a post looking for a "hip chick" to share an apt in west LA. I think it's pretty safe to say I fit the description. Here is what I wrote them:



this is what i shall call you even if it does not turn out to be your real name, fyi.

i moved to california in june after graduating from the university of virginia.

in my life right now i:
--work at a t-shirt store
--intern at a prod company in santa monica
--search for some trends sometimes for this lady i met on craigs list
--watch a lot of law and order: svu, as it's on 24sev

right now i am living in hollywood with three guys, one from high school, two i just met. living with guys is a-okay. i'm down. living with girls is also okay, especially one who is hip and is also down with living with guys.

i can be clean or messy, whatever you want. first roommate in college was a wreck, i was down. second roommate was neat freak, i was also down. am naturally somewhere in the middle. so messy is fine. i don't really like dirty. right now we have fruit flies in our kitchen. i do not like.

i like to abbrev a lot, so there's that.

also i have attached some pictures because i'm vain. and because i find them useful in life.

i think that is all. i am easy going and stuff. and i'll probably try to be your friends because i just moved here.

oh and sometimes i pretend to cook, on poor days.

lalala pick me,

I think this email couldn't be any better. Hopefully it will bring me success in life.

In other news, today was my first day at work. I had training for some time and then worked a full shift. Have never worked retail, and after 7 hours, here is what I have to say:

1. Metal hangers DO look better than wood hangers. It's a good thing I spent 5 hours swapping them out.
2. I am never going to unfold or try on anything that I am not at least 63.4 percent sure I'm going to buy ever, ever again.
3. My legs hurt.
4. Getting paid is fun.

The store is a neato one with neato people and neato clothes and all things. I like it a lot thus far. Am working again tomorrow. Okay. After long day at work going to read Harry Potter while listening to roomies watching Arrested Development. Ah, life.