Rent was due today. I didn't pay anything because my account is basically empty because my car got impounded again on friday because it broke down and I freaked out and left it in a parking lot overnight, which apparantly, is a big no-no and costs 287 USD plus approx four hours spent sitting on a curb in the sketchy part of Atwater and warding off scary men who approach claiming to be "dee autoritee" and asking about all the people living in the world. Sigh.
Good thing I have a job now to pay all my towing expenses. I worked everyday last week at the t-shirt store. All the standing and folding hurts my body. And all the skinny girls in hot shorts hurt my self-esteem. And the mindless work hurts my soul. The people I work with are super fantastico, though. So that's nice. Upside of job is money and people and free/cheap clothes. Downside is that it makes my life hurt and requires mundane tasks and zero-to-few brain cells. However, has made me appreciate my college education, which, until now, I had written off as obligatory and unhelpful in my future life. Boy was I wrong. To think that I could be folding shirts for life--shudder. Am lucky lady.
In other news, shopping for apartments is cumbersome. I heard back from a couple people last week, but missed my window because couldn't do anything because of work. I did go see one place--I loved the apartment and the girl who was offering up the room, but I didn't dig the location. Was in a purely residential neighborhood, removed from things--I want to be closer to the action, not further away. Last thing I need is another excuse never to leave my house. As if bed and Law and Order isn't enough.
Job situation has been getting me down lately and also money situation and--because I am an emotional eater--body situation also is blowing up (ha!). So basically, life right now is a cycle of buying cookies and fattening coffee drinks to comfort myself because am poor and fat, but the remedy is the poison, making le problems--money, tummy--worse. Lavender Mint iced tea, however, is delicious. Also, chocolate chip cookies the size of dinner plates.
I was going to quit my internship yesterday because I'm overwhelmed with working all the time and not having the fabulous time 24sev that I expected of early almost-adulthood. I reconsidered, however, because, duh, if I want to be a writer that's where I need to be. I did ask to cut down to one day, though. Need at least one day off in life. So I guess I half quit. Boss man is cool with decision. Understands all things.
I saw Mike White--Schneebly from School of Rock--at the movies last night. He was wearing a white shirt with some blue stripes and looked like he was, I don't know, twelve. I was barely starstruck. YES. Hollywooood.
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